Transformation Travelogue via email

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 2: The Millionaire Difference & Day 3: Motivation!

It's Thursday! What happened to Wednesday? I thought this was a daily thing? What happened?

Well that's an easy one, Technical difficulties!!

Yup! My internet connection was down, simple as that
So today Thursday is a double installment, "The Millionaire difference" and Motivation: mine and yours...

The Millionaire difference is the result of the Millionaire Mindset.
Our beliefs are like spotlights that show us what is possible. With an employee mind set whats possible?
A raise? Waiting to be noticed and elevated? Worry about pleasing the boss? Worry about getting fired?
Praying it'll all work out?

The employee mind set focuses on:

Working just enough
Getting by
Pleasing others
Dependence on an employer: Hoping they have your best interest at heart
Avoiding: pain, risk, being comfortable

Now for just a moment just pretend this is how you think. Try it on. try on that thinking, check it out, how does it feel? What would the future hold? How far could you go? How would it feel ? What is the best you could hope for? At best getting by, having just enough hoping and praying?.Think about it you tell me.

And Now, let that go and adopt the Millionaire Mind set,.
What's possible when you are:

Living your passion
Following your vision
Fulfilling your
Confident in your judgement
Willing make mistakes in order to win
Secure and confident enough to take risks and spot opportunity
Optimistic and Confident in your abilities to succeed
Working hard and wanting to, because you believe in what you are doing and loving every minute of it.

I don't know about you but this whole employee thing seems is pretty bleak to me!
I ready for something more. In fact I demand something more!

On to the homework:

So passion is a big part of this, if you have passion it'll drive you on when and protect you from criticism and doubt.

With that in mind tonight's homework is to list at least 10 business ideas that I am passionate about:

  1. Running a holistic center
  2. Seeing clients as an NLP practitioner
  3. Writing books
  4. Owning/Servicing healthy vending machines
  5. Providing technical and systems support to small business
  6. Growing gourmet mushrooms
  7. Generating new business idea
  8. Creating/Selling  art work (Mine and others)
  9. Becoming a recording engineer
  10. ...
Alright 9 idea for now, maybe more later...
If you have any good suggestions for me send 'em on over!

And on to Day 3: Motivation Mine and Yours

One thing that unnites all of the millionaires in this program is motivation. Motivation to succeed. Motivation to push past critics. Motivation to make their visions into reality!

So what is it that motivates them? The money of course! No that's not it! Good guess. I mean millionaires do it for the money right? WRONG!!!

According to the our millionaires, even if they started out hungry for money or desperate not to be poor, once they could make a living doing and were doing they kept on going! and going and going! and not because of the money; Money became a means and not the end. Money was nothing more than a way to keep going and growing. It wasn't the money it was the passion! Some want to make a name for themselves, some want to leave a legacy and some just love the rush of doing the impossible. What ever it is that motivates them is what drives them on and the money came along after.

So find what gets you Revved up, Get Excited, Get Going and Don't Let Anyone Stop YOU, Not Even YOURSELF!!!  GO, GO, GO!!!


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